So I'm reading
Marie Claire this month, and there's an article on the best place in the world to live if you're a woman and it turns out to be Sweden. Yes, Sweden, land of the midnight sun. Why? Well, in Sweden, they had the first maternity leave program way back in
1901! That's a 105 years ago people. Plus, all children regardless of sex have to take classes in cooking, sewing, woodworking, and and metalworking in school. Not to mention the fact college is free in Sweden, and that half the members of Parliament are women.
They even changed the line of succession so that Crown Princess Victoria will inherit the crown because she's the eldest instead of being passed over for her brother who is younger than she is. Sweden was found to be the world's most advanced country for women by the World Economic Forum. Where did the US land on this list? Uh, number 17 right before Costa Rica. Yes, Costa Rica. That's how bad we suck here in the US.
Oh, and men do more housework in Sweden then anywhere else in the world, probably without being asked!
When you think about Sweden has given us Bjorn Borg, Dolph Lundgren, Vendela and Lena Olin. They've also given us Peter Stomare from Prison Break, but they made him leave the country because only gorgeous people are allowed to stay in Sweden. How can you not love a country that gave us ABBA?
Of course, everything is not hunky-dory in Sweden. They have the highest suicide rate in the world. They also have the highest income tax rate in the world (someone has to pay for all those services!). It's also incredibly expensive. The average woman takes home $7,000 less than the average American woman. No wonder they all come here to go shopping at Century 21 and Loemann's. Non designer jeans cost $130 in Sweden. Geez, jeans at the Gap only cost $24!
The other problem. Everyone goes dutch. Swedish men apparently never offer to pay, which must go over well if they're working here in the States. Especially in New York, where most women expect the man to at least offer to pay. They also apparently don't hold open doors, or help women carry heavy baggage either. Also, Swedish men are apparently too lazy to make the first move, so the women have to do all the asking out.
The upside is that it's okay for a woman to date 3 or 4 men without people thinking she's a total slut. And when they do hook up, they have lots of babies because in Sweden men and women get up to 13 months paid leave and then an additional 3 months at a fixed rate. Compare that to the 8 to 12 weeks you get here in the States if you're lucky. My mother only took off 9 weeks when she had me and that was back in the 1960's. And she probably wasn't paid for the time she took off either. Plus they have to hold your job for you when you get back.
I knew an actress who was married to a Norwegian guy and she had both of her kids in Norway because it was free!
Another drawback besides the long, cold, dark winters is the pay to pee public toilets that are unisex. Also women make 83% of the average male salary and Amnesty International doesn't think they're doing enough to tackle domestic violence and voilence against ethnic minorities.
Oh, in case you wanted to know, the other 9 countries are in order:
2) Norway
3) Iceland
4) Denmark
5) Finland
(Anyone notice that the top five countries are Scandinavian? Hey, Mary Donaldson moved from Australia to Denmark and became Crown Princess!)
6) New Zealand
7) Canada (why am I not surprised, but if it's so great why do so many Canadians live here?)
8) The UK (yeah, now you're talking. Scotland is really looking for people to emigrate)
9) Germany (huh? Would never have seen that one coming, I would have thought The Netherlands but hey they just elected a woman chancellor, and we still can't elect a woman VP!)
10) Australia (yummy Aussie guys grilling shrimp on the barbie when they're not surfing at Bondi Beach. Where was I?)
Is it just me or does anyone else find it weird that third world countries have elected women leaders but in the US, no woman has risen higher than US Senator (I'm not talking cabinet posts because those are appointed). I'll get off my soap box now.
So there you have it. Sweden the no. 1 country in the world for women.
How hard is it to learn Swedish?