Wednesday, February 02, 2005

The Bachelorette

So I just heard this week that Meredith and Ian from the second Bachelorette have ended their relationship. I have to admit that I was sad when I heard the news. I really liked Meredith and Ian together, and I thought that they actually had a chance to make their relationship work, despite the artificial way that they met.

Which brings me to the newest Bachelorette, Jen Scheft, who is trying again for Primetime love. I'm not quite sure why Jen agreed to do this show. She's not a natural television personality like Trista or even Meredith. Frankly, I think that they should have gone with Trish, from the Jesse Palmer Bachelor edition. If nothing else, we would have been assured that she would sleep with all four of the overnite dates!

While I'm sure the producers thought that letting Jen help choose the Bachelors was a good idea, in reality, it makes terrible television. Already, all the interesting Bachelors have been eliminated. Stu the stalker, Mike the dog hugger, Febreze the possibly gay Frenchmen. Jen may find the man of her dreams, I'm just bored.

Maybe it's because out of 6 Bachelors, and 2 Bachelorettes, the only couple still together are Trista and Ryan, and they seem to spend a great deal of time trying to get themselves in the media. Fear Factor anyone? At least Andrew and Jen, Meredith and Ian tried to make their relationships work. Aaron dumped Helene before two months had passed, Bob Guiney was with Estella until Rebecca Budig returned his interest, Jesse and Jessica were a complete joke. I think Alex Michel and Amanda tried, but who knows. The last time I saw Alex he was eating cheese and reading US Magazine in the Whole Foods at Columbus Circle (yes, I followed him through the store. Can you blame me?).

I think that the whole reality dating thing should just be put to rest. At least on For Love or Money, you had a choice, cold hard cash or a guy you just met.

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