I've been cruising blog land catching up on all the industry gossip from people who have been at the RWA conference. Apparently, traditional regencies are dead (they've been predicting that for years now. I guess they're finally right now that Kensington has killed their Regency line), hot books are even hotter, paranormal is in, medievals are making a comeback, and publishers are looking for deeper chick-lit instead of the light funny books that have been coming out the past couple of years.
There has also been alot of confusion about whether or not you need an agent. Jennifer Crusie wrote in RWR, that you should target a specific editor at a house with your novel. Kate Duffy says that you need a publishing contract before you can get a top agent. Color me confused!
Right now I'm targeting agents, because once an editor has passed on my book, and it'll be very hard for me to get them to look at it again, although I did send my partial to Natasha Panza at TOR, and I'm contemplating Medallion Books once I get my marketing plan in shape.
Received another rejection from an agent. This one wasn't even a 8 x 10 piece of paper, but a generic rejection slip! Which was an improvement over the rejection postcard I received once from another agent who shall remain nameless. This agent has been all over every conference, RWR for the past several years, claiming to be looking for new clients etc. But every author I know who has submitted to this agent, has gotten their manuscript returned before they closed the mailbox with a rejection postcard.
Right now, I'm reading Donald Maass workbook for How to Write the Breakout Novel. I thought I would do the exercises while I'm writing the first draft of my latest WIP. I haven't been to his weekend workshops, I can't afford the $245, but I did read his book and there was alot of good information.
Does anyone have any favorite writing books?
If you can scrape together the $245, the Maass workshops are well worth it. Seriously excellent stuff that really helped me.
Writing books. Apart from Maass', I really like Noah Lukeman's: The First 5 Pages, The Plot Thickens, and the one on query letters that you can download from his site. To the point, extremely practical. He also does some online courses that I'd love to try (though this month I'm doing one by Laurie Cambell on synopsis and next month, it's Barbara Samuel on voice--man, do I love the internet!!)
Also, Wrestling With Your Angels: A Spiritual Journey to Great Writing, by Janet O. Hagberg.
I've read both of Noah Lukeman's books as well. I really like them. They're no nonsense. I'm waiting for Mr. Maass to do his workshop in New York, so I don't have to pay the hotel fee. I also like Carolyn See's book as well.
Glad to hear that your kitty is doing better.
Sorry about the rejection, Elizabeth. And I know, isn't it crazy how everyone gives different advice?
No good books to recommend. Let us know if you find a good one!
I'm sorry about the rejection, too. Been there, done that. As for good books to read, I have a book of soul mate stories..plug..plug. Seriously, my TBR pile is bigger than this house. If you catch my chick lit blog, I've sort of profiled an author who really explained to me what chick lit romantic comedy is. Her book looks like it would be worth checking out.
Okay, I just checked. It's Michelle Cunnah's book "Confessions of a Serial Dater." Really looked cool.
i like escaping into the open: the art of writing true by elizabeth berg.
and dorothy: michelle cunnah is awesome!
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