Thursday, December 29, 2005

Too many choices

Well, yesterday I emailed the agent who still has my partial (after six months) and let her know that I was withdrawing the manuscript from consideration. Truthfully, if she hadn't gotten to it after six months, I doubt she was going to. I mean I emailed her three months after I sent it to find out the status, and she said she hadn't gotten to it, then I ran into her at the New Jersey conference and she told me that she was going to get it, and then nothing. It's now the end of December, and I still haven't heard from her, so I decided to just let her know where I was at the moment. I did let her know that I would love to submit to her again, although I don't think her agency does YA.

Now, I'm spending my time today (apart from writing) deliberating about what books/DVD/CD's to order as part of my Amazon gift certificate that I just got from one of my people. I only have $100 and I want to spend it wisely, which means not ordering Meg Cabot's new book because I can easily buy it myself. No, if I'm going to order stuff it has to be things that I've wanted for awhile but couldn't afford.

Of course, I just discovered that you can buy shoes on Amazon, which given my shoe addiction is not a good thing to know. Just clicking on the page, and I've already seen a pair of Michael Kors sling-backs on sale for $53.00! I was seriously tempted to use my gift certificate on the shoes.

Still, I've narrowed it down to getting the companion book to Regency House Party (research for that regency novel I may one day sit down and write), the dual Michael Buble CD/DVD, which leaves me $50 left to spend, but I do qualify for the free shipping!

So the question for the day is this, what would you buy with an Amazon gift certificate?

1 comment:

  1. The magic of a gift card....I would spend it all on books, myself. Maybe DVDs. Amazon lists books pretty early, so I could have a gift that kept on giving as the books arrive throughout the year.

    I took some gifts back to Best Buy, got $30, bought 4 movies, spending ANOTHER $30. Sigh.

    Shoes sound good, though.
