I also got to meet four eligible men that evening. For a moment, I almost felt like the bachelorette.
Of course, I liked one of them and he had absolutely not interest in me. Isn't that always the way? Why is it that it's so easy to flirt with someone we have no interest in, but the minute you meet someone who has potential, you act like an idiot?
I think the problem is I've been single for so long now since ex-sweetie pie and I broke up, I have no game (can girls have game?). I mean I can flirt, no problem, but I've forgotten how to close the deal. I mean, you can't just slip a guy your phone number if he doesn't ask for it. Can you? What's the protocol?
I mean if you do, there's always the possibility he'll be polite and take it but not call, or tell you he's not interested. Either way you're screwed, and my thighs can't take the Sara Lee chocolate cakes anymore that I used to devour when I was a teenager and I'd had a romantic failure.
I started to feel like Sarah from Nashville on The Bachelor. You know coming up with reasons why Poster Guy and I were a perfect match. He's from NY, I'm from NY, He went to Cornell, I got into Ithaca, we both studied in England. He's lived in Prague, I've thought of going to Prague. I mean, E-Harmony had nothing on me, the way my thoughts were going.
That's the problem with being fairly independent. On the one hand, I'm quite capable of going out to dinner or a movie by myself or traveling, but social interaction with the male of the species still eludes me.
What was even more depressing was the conversation, I had with one of the other guests, who stated that if he hadn't met his wife in college, he would never have gotten married because dating was just too hard?
You think? I swear Speed Dating should be an Olympic Event.
Oh, here' s funny addendum to Robert Burns. Apparently, the National Portrait Gallery in Scotland unveiled a new painting of Burns in an Armani suit which pissed off Tommy Hilfiger who claims to be a descendent of the Bard. Which could be true, considering he had 13 acknowledged children by 5 women that we know of.
The above picture of Gerard Butler is for Mary.
Enjoy while I sign up for remedial dating lessons.
I guess dating in New York, is as hard as it was portrayed on Sex and The City then?
The guys were great. I just don't know how to date anymore. If they were interested, than I wouldn't have known it. I can read traffic signals better than I can men.
Thank you! ;)
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