Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Too Darn Hot!

We are in the midst of a major heat wave here in New York and it's making me cranky, and not very inclined to do much of anything apart from lying prostrate underneath my air conditioning. Yesterday, it was about 95 degrees and 100 percent humidity, so that walking to the subway was like trying to wade through pea soup.

At least I wasn't stuck on the A train underground for 2 1/2 hours yesterday. Those poor people. They finally had to rescue them, which meant walking along the train tracks to safety. Hopefully the car was air-conditioned during their enforced incarceration. Still, just waiting on a train platform here in New York is like sitting in a sauna until the train arrives with it's blissful airconditioning.

Last night, I rushed home to change after an unfortunate barbecue sauce incident before I had dinner with the delightful LA friend. We had a great dinner at Hurley's, Irish saloon in midtown. It was nice catching up with an old friend, particularly since we hadn't seen each other in a while. Since I'm not with ex-sweetie pie anymore, I don't get out to LA anymore. Before, I was flying out at least four or five times a year to spend time with him.

I'm editing the first 3 chapters of what is now called for want of a better title, Ginny and The Canterville Ghost. I know, it sucks. I'm hoping to finish the editing so that I can send it off to my trio of critics before I start writing the rest of the book. I have some cool ideas now for the book that I want to incorporate, so I'm working on my synopsis as well.

My goal is now to finish the first draft by the end of August, and then start the lovely process of querying. What's that you say, what's happening with Crazy Little Thing Called Love? Your guess is as good as mine. I was hoping to have some answers before leaving for the conference next week, but so far I've heard nada.

At the moment, one agent has the full, four agents have a partial of at least 75 pages, and two agents have a query, for a grand total of 7 agents. Also, I have 2 rejections on the query, and 1 rejection on the partial, which makes it 10 agents that I've submitted this YA to so far.

Tonight, I'm having dinner with the delightful Anglo-American friend, at a great Mexican restaurant. There are several glasses of sangria with my name on it!

Thanks for reading!


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