Saturday, October 07, 2006

One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

Well, I spoke to the agent yesterday who wanted to talk about my book. She doesn't want to represent it in the form that it's in right now. She gave me some very good feedback about what she didn't like, and what she thought I should do to fix. She also thought that it wouldn't sell in the form that it's in right now.

See, I wrote it in 3 different first person POV's. Because that's how the story came to me. It's been suggested by at least 3 people that I change it to third person, but have the narrator in first person who's telling the story sort of like a puppetmaster.

So now I have a choice. I can rewrite the partial for her, to see if it hangs together with these changes, and then we'll see whether or not she'll represent me. Or I cannot rewrite it and just keep submitting it the way it is now.

I'm leaning towards the rewrite. It can't hurt, and even if this agent ends up still rejecting the book, then another agent might like the rewrite. I'm looking at it as an exercise. It may turn out that even if an agent does take the book as it is, an editor might want me to change the POV's as well.

Thanks for reading.


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