Thursday, November 16, 2006

Only One More Day!

Only one more day until Casino Royale opens with Daniel Craig and I can't wait. I plan on seeing it on Saturday at the Zeigfeld which is one of the few movie theatres left in this city that isn't a multi-plex, in fact I think it's the only one in Manhattan. I'd go tomorrow, but I'm going to an exhibition of an artist who does amazingly fantastical, surrealistic paintings.

I still feel like crap, and I didn't even get a flu shot, which is what's taking alot of people down. Oh, and it's fun guy's birthday. Happy Birthday Fun Guy! I sent along birthday wishes through a friend. I could send him a note or an e-card myself but since he made no effort to wish me a happy birthday, I'm making the minimum effort for him. If I wasn't such a nice person, I wouldn't wish him a happy birthday at all, but unlike Judith Regan, I believe in good karma. You put out good stuff, and eventually it will come back to you.

Mercury comes out of retrograde like tomorrow, and frankly it can't come soon enough for me. Oh, this is funny. An agent that I submitted to twice, I sent her a follow-up email concerning the last submission I emailed her, and she emails me back asking for me to submit to her! I almost fell over when I read the email. I'm going on the premise that she's had serious computer problems, and that's why she hasn't read the other two email submissions that I sent her. Here's hoping that the third time is the charm.

Thanks for reading.


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