Friday, January 19, 2007

Grey's Tear Jerker

Who cried at last night's episode of Grey's Anatomy? Raise your hands! I bawled like a baby from the beginning of the episode to the end. All of it, from Meredith trying to deal with her dad, Christina and Burke trying to out silence each other, and Addison and Mark talking about her abortion, and the fact that it would have been her due date in last night's episode.

My favorite moment though had to be when Yang came out to talk to George, and welcomed him to the Dead Dad Club, revealing that her father died when she was 9. This scene shows the genius of the writing team of Grey's Anatomy. Everyone including Christina considers her to be slightly cold and unemotional but to have her comfort George in her own way was perfect. Her unsentimental yet poignant way was the perfect antidote.

George could be himself without having to worry about other people. I sobbed when George said that he didn't know how to live in the world without his dad. And Christina said that really wouldn't change.

If you love Grey, go over to the writer's blog on Krista Vernoff, who wrote last night's episode, wrote an affecting post about her own father's death and how it inspired last night's episode.

The episode really resonated for me because I lost my own mother to cancer when I was 24, and my father passed away almost 7 years ago. Even if you haven't lost a parent, you couldn't help but want to talk to your own parents after watching last night's episode. I had a huge argument with one of my co-workers who wasn't affected by the episode. As far as she was concerned, what was to be sad about, George's father was ill and in pain, so his dying wasn't that sad.

WTF? I guess some people take that view, but a parent is a parent. When you lose one, it's like losing a piece of yourself that you can't get back. You have to finally become an adult.

Thanks for reading!


1 comment:

MJFredrick said...

I cried almost as much last night as I did when Denny died (and you KNOW how I loved Denny!) When my dad's dad died, my mom (divorced from him for 25 years at least) sent him a card. He called me and said he felt like a heel because he never did anything when her parents died. I told him you don't know how bad it is till it happens to you, and that's what last night's episode reminded me of.

I loved that everyone, even Alex, was there for George. BEST episode of the season, hands down.