It's the second week of January, and already I'm a bad blogger. My only excuse is that I've been busy fighting off this nasty bug that won't seem to leave my body. Why don't you stay home from work I hear you say? Well, I could do that, but the problem is that I only get a limited number of sick days a year, and I'm kind of saving them up. It's one of those things that make me wish I lived in Europe where they get a minimum of 5 weeks a year.
This year, I get 10 days, 14 sick days, (rolled over from last year) 2 floating holidays, and 5 personal days. 2 of those personal days will be used to go to both the New England Conference and later on in the year, the New Jersey conference. I'm skipping Dallas this year (been there, done that) three years ago, and I'd rather save up to go to the conference in San Francisco.
I'd really like to take those days and go somewhere spectacular like Florence, which I've always wanted to go to. Plus, one of my closest friends in the world is going to be having a party to celebrate his civil partnership in London, so I need at least five days for that.
So taking off time to be sick, is just not an option right now. I just need to double up on the vitamins, drink lots of water, and stay home at night, watching DVD's that have hot men in them, like last year's Pride and Prejudice.
Oh, and I watched all 7 1/2 hours of the BBC Version of Dicken's Bleak House with Gillian Anderson, who I didn't like at all. She seemed to be sleepwalking through the park. I did like My Super Ex-Girlfriend, although I wish it had been explained why Uma Thurman's character G-Girl was so neurotic. Was it because every boyfriend she'd told about her superhero powers had gotten freaked out? Was it because she was a geek in high school before she ended up getting the powers from the meteor? I did like the fact that the Supervillain was like the geek in high school that G-Girl rejected. That was cute. Is it just me or is Luke Wilson just not aging well? I thought about that, because neither Wilson brother seems to be aging well. Must be all those late nights partying.
Thanks for reading!
I really didn't like My Super Ex-Girlfriend. It just got weird. And yes, Luke is NOT aging well. Sad.