The quirky thoughts and madcap adventures of a pop culture diva. Mystery reader and writer by day, ballroom dancer by night.
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Thursday Meme!
Two names you go by:
1. Elizabeth
2. Kerri
2 1/2. Certain friends also call me Bitsy
Two things you are wearing right now:
1. salmon colored top
2. brown, cream, and salmon skirt from Ann Taylor loft
Two things you would want (or have) in a relationship:
1. Humor
2. Intelligence
2 1/2 Sex
Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Dance
2. Read
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. More money
2. An agent
2 1/2 A boyfriend
Two pets you had/have:
1. guinea pig
2. collie
Two things you did last night:
1. worked
2. ate tomato soup
Two things you ate today:
1. soft shelled crab sandwich
2. cake
Two people you last talked to:
1. my editor at work
2. my friend who is in AZ
Two things you’re doing tomorrow:
1. write
2. go listen to jazz
Two longest car rides:
1. We went to the Montrael Expo when I was 3
2. Driving to Syracuse my freshman year
Two favorite holidays:
1. My birthday (should be a national holiday)
2. Christmas
Two favorite beverages:
1. Champagne
2. Is there any other?
Four things About ME!
Things you may not have known about me:
1. I actually studied ballet for seven years
2. I played Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion Off-Off Broadway.
3. I have a memory like an elephant
4. When I was unemployed, I had a weird obsession with watching Charmed–every day at 9 a.m. on TNT I watched the show.
Four jobs I have had in my life:
1. waitress
2. travel agent
3. writer
4. Secretary
Four movies I would watch over and over:
1. The Lion in Winter
2. Persuasion
3. All About Eve
4. Gone with the Wine
Four places I have lived:
1. New York
2. Syracuse, NY
3. London
4. Accord, NY
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Lobster
2. Smoked salmon
3. Brie
4. Cherries, the darker the better
Four places I’d rather be right now:
1. At home watching the movies I just go from netflix
2. In an editor’s office signing a mega-contract
3. London, having tea
4. Australia
Okay, I'm now officially tagging Marley, Carolyn Turgeon, Anton Strout, and Mary F.
Thanks for reading,
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
R.I.P. Chumley's?

I have to confess that I haven't been to Chumley's in about 5 years. The last time I was there it was full of NYU students, and the bartender claimed to be out of cream and couldn't make me a white russian, so my friends and I went to a restaurant down the block and hung out.
But I have fond memories of the place. I once tried to fix up two of my friends at Chumley's. Ex sweetie pie and I, two of my girlfriends and their potential dates spent a lovely evening having dinner at Chumleys. Well, it was good for one of the guys, who I shall call Ted (I met him at one of my temp jobs), since he ended up at one end of the table with my two girlfriends, while the other guy, IHBF, was at the other end with ex sweetie pie having to listen to him talk about how much he loved me. Oops!
The last time I ate at Chumley's, we sat in a booth all the way in the back near the kitchen, where I had the misfortune to see Minnie the mouse nibbling on a loaf of bread which was sitting at the waiters station. I had a funny feeling that the unnibbled part was going to end up in someone's bread basket.
Chumley's had a rich history. It was a speakeasy during prohibition. The food was never that good but there was something to be said about standing in a bar that had been around for over 80 years. Since the demise of Gage and Tollner, Luchows, and a host of other New York institutions, it would be a shame if a landmark piece of New York history disappeared for good.
Thanks for reading,
Female Comebacks
Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before?
Woman: Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore.
Man: Is this seat empty?
Woman: Yes and this one will be if you sit down.
Man: Your place or mine?
Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I'll go to mine.
Man: So, what do you do for a living?
Woman: I'm a female impersonator.
Man: Hey baby, what's your sign?
Woman: Do not enter.
Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning?
Woman: Unfertilized.
Man: Your body is like a temple.
Woman: Sorry, there are no services today.
Man: I would go to the end of the world for you.
Woman: But would you stay there?
Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
Woman: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Summer of the Supernatural
The other two are Hex and Hyde. I watched a marathon of Hex this past weekend, and I'm definitely hooked although so far there are so many loose ends it's not even funny. For those you don't have cable or BBC America, Hex takes place at a boarding school in the country. Cassie is a misfit who has only one friend, Thelma who is in love with her. Cassie however longs for Troy. Then one day she finds an old vase stuck behind a loose brick and she has sudden flashes of memory, and a newly found talent for telekinesis. Oh, and this fallen angel Azazeal keeps stalking her.
It turns out that she's descended from a long line of witches, and the Medenham Hall where she goes to school is the family estate. I won't go into too much more detail but the show is like Buffy and Charmed put together. The only problem so far is the charater of Cassie, she's so passive for the most part, apart from a few moments where she uses her powers to get back at this guy Leon, who spreads rumors about her and who tries to get it on with her (shades of Carrie).
She has absolutely no curiousity about this family that she's descended from. Not once does she ask questions, or do any research, or even explore her powers fully. She falls for the charms of Azazeal a little too easily. It's her best friend Thelma, who becomes a lesbian ghost, who looks out for her and does all the thinking. And I was a little disappointed that the gorgeous Colin Salmon is wasted as the headmaster. I kept hoping that he was somehow involved, like a Giles was for Buffy as her watcher.
But I'm still watching and I can't wait for the second season to find out who it all turns out.
Thanks for reading,
Monday, May 28, 2007
Australian Men

Literary Idol?
and also undiscovered talent. It seems they asked several writing teachers to nominate their best students for Literary Idol, and the readers of the magazine are allowed to vote on who would be the best new talent. You can read excerpts from their work on the site.
The kicker? They are all men except for one lone woman, and they all write literary fiction. Which is fine but I find it hard to believe that the couldn't find more than one woman to nominate.
Thanks for reading,
Sunday, May 27, 2007
For Your Consideration
I've enjoyed your work over the years from The Princess Bride, Saturday Night Live, and of course, Spinal Tap. In particular, the movies that you've directed from Waiting for Guffman to a Mighty Wind have been some of my favorites. I think that you are a comic genius.
I just watched your last movie, For Your Consideration last night. And I have to say that I was very disappointed. After a rousing start, the movie kind of petered out. And we never found out what happened to the one cast member of 'Home for Thanksgiving' who was actually nominated for the Academy Award. Plus, once the movie was renamed from 'Home for Purim' all the comedy kind of died. Not even the scenes of the actors promoting the film on talk shows as weird as the TLC spoof, or seeing Catherine O'Hara tarted up like a parade float were that interesting.
So here is my suggestion for your next film. The publishing industry, or more specific romance writers. Yes, this is just ripe for your brand of satire, particularly RT's annual convention. You could call it the WWR conference aka We Write Romance or Women Write Romance as the case may be.
Just think of what you could with the grand doyenne of romance, Kathryn Falk or the late, lamented Barbara Cartland. After all Kathryn Falk was once named one of the most interesting people in Time Magazine's 75 year history. I think that your usual repetoire of actors could come up with some fascinating characters.
Just think about it. And if you do decide this will be your next picture, you don't have to pay me, just invite me to the premiere, and thank me on all the talk shows, and a tour of the House of Lords would be nice.
Elizabeth K. Mahon
Saturday, May 26, 2007
EHarmony - Not so Harmonious
Yes, that' s right, apparently I'm compatabile with guys who live in Missoula, Montana but not guys who live in the tri-state area. Seriously, Missoula Montana? Doesn't Ted Turner own the state? Didn't he steal back in the 19th century from the Native Americans?
When I filled out my profile on EHarmony, and I said that I would be willing to relocate for love, I meant San Francisco, Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston, Washington, DC. You know a real city with a sports team, and decent theater. Not middle of nowhere Montana. I don't care if this guy is the absolute love of my life, I'm not moving to frickin Montana. Isn't that where Brokeback Mountain was set?
Seriously, Mr. Montana can move to New York, if we're so compatable. I mean, I actually do know someone who met her husband through EHarmony, but he lives in Philly which is a short train ride away. That's doable. Montana is not.
I think I might have to go back to JDate.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Idol Thoughts

Not so excited about the American Idol finale. In fact, for the first time in six years, I didn't even watch it. Partly because I was so pissed that they voted Melinda off, and partly because I knew out of the two, Blake and Jordin, Jordin was going to win.
Still that doesn't quite explain my apathy. After all, I still watched even though Chris Daughtry (my favorite) didn't win, and I knew pretty much that Taylor was going to win.
Maybe it's just that last season's contestants were so good. Let's face, almost every single one has landed a record contract and Chris Daughtry has outsold Taylor. Even little Kellie Pickler is becoming quite the Country star, and she has new breasts.
I'm sorry apart from Jordin, Blake, Lakisha and Melinda, most of the other contestants were either boring, out of their depth, or just not interesting. Seriously Sanjaya was the best that Simon, Paula and Randy could find out of the group that auditioned in Hollywood for the semi-finals, and Hayley?
I was just emailing the other day with another Idol fan, and we basically came to the conclusion that the Idol format seems to favor women over men. Out of six winners, four are women. I think maybe it's because the favored format for the show is pop music and most men tend to fall in either the rock, country or soul categories. The only real male pop singer the show has produced is Clay Aiken.
Even the crappy songs that they give the winners to sing favor female voices. Anyone remember how painful it was to listen to Justin and Bo Bice sing the AI coronation song? I can just imagine what Beat Box Boy (Blake) thought when they handed 'This is my now' to him. Plus, I read that he wasn't even allowed to rearrange it for his voice because it was the contest winner.
Think back to last season, when Taylor basically told the producers where they could put the song they originally gave him, and then he was allowed to Taylorize the one he eventually sang. Even Ruben and Clay were given different songs to sing.
Personally, I think that's the right choice. Let whoever is in the final two pick the song they want to sing, out of a bunch that has been written. Or if you're going to have a contest, let the two finalists sing the top two songs out of the bunch, and let the audience vote for which one should be the winning song.
Anyway, I still think the show favors the women.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Favorite Book Meme - Part Deux

Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Cute Summer Shoes

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Little Known Favorites Meme
My three books are:
All of Sharon Kay Penman's historical novels are wonderful. This trilogy deals with King John and his daughter Joanna, his son Henry III and his sister who marries Simon de Montfort, and their daughter who marries Llewellyn the last Prince of Wales. Excellent historical fiction. I almost picked her book on Richard III, the Sunne in Splendor which is also incredibly brilliant. If you are one of a Ricardian like me, you'll love Sunne in Splendor.
Freya North: Sally

Karen Scott - who I know will have a lot of interesting things to say about books!
Kelly Para who's first book just hit the shelves. Go out and pick up a copy of Graffitti Girl!
Mary F, who now has plenty of time now that Grey's Anatomy and Supernatural have had their season finales. What did you think of Burke walking out on Cristina?
Gabrielle who probably has wonderful French and Australian writers to tell us about.
Thanks, Megan! This was fun!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
I'm a Celebrity Magnet, Get Me Out of Here!

Thursday, May 17, 2007
Where's Elizabeth Barrett Browning when you need her?
Yes, I'm a writer and I don't know how to write to cute guys. This is why I'm still single at ripe of old age, of, well we dont' need to talk about that. To top it all of, this writer, my friend has met him and told me how cute, funny and smart he is. So why don't you have your friend introduce you, I hear you ask? Well, my friend has two kids, a husband, and a busy life. If I waited for her, I'd either be dead or collecting social security. Let's face it, your married friends don't find your singlehood as interesting as you do. No, they're too busy talking about how cool it is that you get to travel wherever you want, without having to worry about buying a seat for your 18 month old on the plane. Meanwhile all you want is a husband and a child.
I've tried all the on-line dating services. Either the guys are too old, or they live in Nebraska. Or I get emails from European men who live in the middle of nowhere Italy. And are 23, and don't speak English very well. So I would wink at guys, and never hear anything. One night, I think I winked at 17 guys on So emailing them is out of the questions.
Things were so much easier when Robert Browning was courting Elizabeth Barrett through their letters and poems, before they finally met. Imagine how romantic is must have been for her, an invalid to receive a letter from a younger poet about her work, and then they meet and he finally turns out to be really cute and he falls in love with her and they run off and get married and live happily until her death.
I wish I could hire someone to write the email for me. I asked a friend who is really good at this sort of thing. And I'm still waiting. I swear this could a be a romantic comedy along the lines of Truth About Cats and Dogs but with the Internet. Cute girl but not stunning helps stunning friend who is illiterate (well not really) write letters to guys on the Internet. Mandy Moore would probably play the cute girl, and maybe Jessica Simpson could play the busty ditz.
As for me? Back to the drawing board.
Thanks for reading!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Giada's Weekend Getaways

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Happy Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day which is a bittersweet day for me since my mom is no longer living, but I wanted to celebrate all those Moms out there and to share some memories of my Mom.
One of my favorite stories is the one my mother loved to tell about how she tried to leave the hospital early after giving birth to me to vote. See I was born the day before the Presidential election, and my mother, die-hard Democrat that she was, wanted to make sure that she cast her vote. Oh, and to get a pack of cigarettes. Well, apparently the nurse wasn't too keen on that. See this was back in the olden days when new mother's typically spent a week in the hospital after giving birth, not like today where hospitals kick you out as soon as they cut the umblical chord.
Even though my mother assured her that she was coming back (!), the nurse wouldn't let my mother leave. So my mother had to stay smokeless for another week, and she didn't get to cast her vote.
My other favorite story is how she grabbed Telly Savalas on the street and planted one on him. My mother adored Telly Savalas, go figure. So when he was filming on the street where she worked, she took the opportunity to go outside and tell him what a big fan she was. And grab him by the lapels and give him a big smooch. I don't remember how my dad felt about that. Apparently Telly was so inspired, that he was grabbing women himself and giving them a little of the Savalas magic.
So Happy Mother's Day Mom! I miss you!
Thanks for reading,
Saturday, May 12, 2007
I Love the '80's

Remember Andrew Ridgely of Wham!? I didn't think so, not many people did after the band broke up. Everyone knows George Michael. Well Hugh Grant plays an Andrew Ridgely type character in the movie, Alex Fletcher.
I have to admit that I love the '80's. Sure it was a disaster for fashion, although for some reason it's coming back. Think of all the bubble skirts and leggings of the past season. Well, I wore them the first time they were in fashion, and it wasn't an attractive look then. Not to mention the shoulder pads we wore. In fact, you could buy them and attach them to your clothes. Yikes! And the big hair. All you have to do is look at a Paula Abdul video to see the hair and the reason why there is a gigantic hole in the ozone layer.
Actually I was watching the video for 'Cold-hearted snake' on You Tube. Wow, back than that video was cutting edge. Now after Christina Aquilera's dirty video, it just looks quaint. And the see through shirt and the bra. Man, people are still rocking that look almost 20 years later.
VH-1 had this series a few years back called 'Bands Reunited' where they tried to united bands like Berlin (happened) and Squeeze (didn't happen). They also united Haircut 100 and of all people, Kajagoogoo. Never heard of them? Well they had one hit song and then fired the lead singer.
Ah, the 80's. Culture Club, The Thompson Twins, Human League, Depeche Mode who I first heard in 1981 when I spent the summer in London. Duran Duran, the hair bands, power ballads. The cheesy videos that looked like they were made for a buck fifty before Michael Jackson decided to make mini-movies instead of music videos.
I sound like my parents when I say they just don't make them like they used to anymore!
Thanks for reading,
Friday, May 11, 2007
Bowling for Dollars

Thursday, May 10, 2007
May Moping

Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Changes Afoot
Okay, on the one hand, I can see there point, but on the other hand, there are at least 5 other categories for people to enter if they are writing a romance. So why drop this one category? Is it that they're afraid that more people will enter this category than the others? I don't think so. I would say that, given the number of people who are members of the Chick-lit chapter, compared to say the total number of RWA members, it's pretty small. The chick-lit chapter last time I looked had about 300 members, give or take, and not all of them are entering the Golden Heart.
In fact, quite a few people that I know who have entered the Golden Heart, some have entered in more than one category, with more than one manuscript in that same category. If you're going to change anything, how about limiting the number of entries an author can submit in any given category. That would make sense. The same goes for the RITA. Why have Nora Roberts compete against herself, or her pseudonymn, JD Robb?
They also want to get rid of the Novella category as well. Given the number of anthologies that are published every year by all publishing houses, this also to me seems like a waste of time. Seriously, is it just me or does seem like the board of RWA spends alot of time thinking about nothing in particular?
The one board meeting that I attended, most of the meeting was taken up with that ole definition of romance. It was clear then, that there was a faction on the board who were not happy with the whole chick-lit/erotica/erotic romance boom of the past ten years. Just the fact that you cannot join PAN unless you've written a romance or your book is published by an RWA approved publisher proves that.
Oy, color me annoyed.
Thanks for reading,
Monday, May 07, 2007
Manic Monday

I've been quite the busy social bee as well attending benefits and an auction preview. The benefit was awesome, although I'm come to the conclusion that I know I'm a writer because when crappy stuff happens I think, I'm so using this in a book. The auction preview was better, although drinking 4 glasses of champagne before my night job and then having to watch NUMBERs was not a good idea.
We had our chapter brunch on Saturday, with Lauren Willig, the author of History of the Pink Carnation as our guest speaker. She was so adorable I couldn't hate her for being 30. Once again, sucked down the champagne (what can I say I'm a sucker for it, just like the cutie holding the glass from Woody Allen's Match Point. His name is Matthew Goode, and he's scruptilicious).
Have to finish working on expense reports for my day job since I'm finished my revisions, and then it's back to the quill and paper.
Thanks for reading,
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Words Only Women Use
2.) Five Minutes : If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five Minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3.) Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
4.) Go Ahead: This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
5) Loud Sigh : This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statementoften misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
6.) That's Okay: This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7.) Thanks: A woman is thanking you, do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome.
8.) Whatever: Is a women's way of saying SCREW YOU!
9.) Don't worry about it, I got it : Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking, "what's wrong", for the woman's response refer to # 3.
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Lisa VanAuken writing as Lisa Dale's THE LUCKY MOON, exploring the mysterious connectivity between mothers and daughters, cities and mountains, the present and the past, to Melanie Murray at Grand Central, in a nice deal, in a two-book deal, by Kim Lionetti at BookEnds (world).
Lisa used to be a member of my local chapter RWA NYC, and she was also the first agent that I sent my book to when she worked at Creative Media which is now Folio. She wrote me a really good rejection letter which I took to heart, and made me work harder on my next few books. She was also a friend's agent. I'm so excited for her.
Thanks for reading,
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
May Man Madness