So far, May is sucking big time. Not only did I receive another rejection letter, this time one of those form email rejection letters from an agency that has had my partial for about 5 months, but I just found out that my night job is cutting the Associate Editor positions, which means although I'm still employed, I'm back now making what I made before which is much less. I'm going to have to do that economizing thing which I hate, but I've been living a little too high on the hog, eating a great deal of sushi which costs a bomb here in NYC.
May has always been a really hard month for me, which is kind of ironic because it's also my favorite month of the year. The lilacs are out (my favorite flower) and spring usually arrives in New York around this time. But May is also my father's birthday (he would have been 92 this year), and Mother's Day (it's been almost 19 years since my mother passed away). Not to mention May is the month when ex-sweetie pie and I broke up and also the month that I learned who my true friends were. So I'm not really feeling the warm fuzzies right now.
I'm trying to think positively. I'm flying out to Chicago next weekend, to get away from the fact that my ex-best friend is getting married. I'm also working hard on two novellas for the Brava novella contest (I have two ideas and I can't decide between them so I thought why not write both, the contest doesn't start until August). I still have two agents who want my full YA manuscript. And I still have the rest of Beau Brummel with the delectable James Purefoy still to finish watching.
Doesn' t he look yummy in his bath?
Thanks for reading,
1 comment:
Hugs on the May blues! I hope something WONDERFUL happens this month.
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