Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Bloggin the Bachelorette

A whole lot happened in the world of The Bachelorette. I don't think I've ever seen the show where it was two hours long every freaking week. Either ABC doesn't have a whole lot of programming for the summer or they really want to give DeAnna her due in her quest to find true love.

Mullet Man No More - Martial artist Sean from Kentucky or Tennessee or wherever he's from finally got with the program and got a haircut this week, which DeAnna seemed to like. Now ABC needs to send him to a stylist to get him into a dark, tailored suit instead of the hideous suits like the white striped one he wore last night and he might actually be someone she could take home without cringing. Perhaps Billy Ray Cyrus could get the name of Sean's barber. And who exactly cut his hair? I don't remember them getting time out to go get haircuts. Do we think that the hairstylist on Ellen DeGenere's show helped him out?

Urban Cowboy- DeAnna took the guys on a Western themed date, where they learned (or tried to learn) how to do the two-step. Everyone took a turn on the mechanical bull, which snowboarder Jesse excelled at, which was kind of surprising since don't Graham and Jeremy come from Texas? DeAnna decided to test the guys and fake an injury to see which guy was the most concerned about her. All the guys came rushing over to help except Ron, who stood there with his beer like the jerk that he is.

He proved later in the episode what a jerk he was by not only complaining once again about Jeremy but telling DeAnna during the cocktail party that he woke up not feeling her. He countered by saying that he got a case of the "DeAnna's" later on but it was too late for Barber Boy.

Special guest star - The guys got the third degree from special guest star Ellen DeGeneres, DeAnna's new best friend, who got to hand out a rose to Fred (who is adorable with his Chicago accent) and gave DeAnna some advice, particularly about Graham, whose longest relationship was 5 months. Call me madcap but if a guy is 28 and his longest relationship is 5 months, that could be a problem. Does he have the staying power? He told DeAnna later it was because he moved around a lot because of his impressive basketball career.

Magic carriage ride... to the airport - My favorite Richard tried to impress DeAnna on his solo date with her, but she couldn't tell whether or not they were friends or something more. They went on a magical carriage ride like the one from Disneyland, in fact I think it was Cinderella's coach from Disneyland, and DeAnna made the driver pull over on the street so she can dump him. She told him that while he had all the qualities she looked for in a husband, but she wasn't feeling him. She didn't want to keep him around if she didn't see it going anywhere. This was when we had our first Brad reference of the evening, as DeAnna said in a voiceover that she didn't want to pull a Brad. Richard got into the conveniently waiting cab to go home.

Truthfully, I think in the real world, DeAnna might have fallen for Richard over time, but unfortunately my Richard isn't the time of guy to be all aggressive with a woman. He lacked confidence and I think it showed, particularly when she told Chris how she liked the fact that Jeremy was a little cocky. Perhaps if Richard had gone in and grabbed the kiss, things might have turned out differently.

Jason's big secret - DeAnna took Jason on a romantic date to the observatory which would have been the perfect date for Richard, the science teacher, since they had had a conversation about stars on their date. Seriously who plans these things? Jason finally told DeAnna that he's got a three year old son named Tyler. She opened up about the death of her mother which she told him that no one had ever asked her before. What kind of guys has she dated? They bonded and Jason went in for the kiss after asking politely for one. Later, DeAnna had a star named after Jason's son, which was really sweet of her. I wonder if she paid for it herself or the network did?

The Rose Ceremony - During the cocktail portion of the evening, DeAnna gave Ron one last chance to dig a hole for himself as they sit outside. She told him that she was cold, but Ron didn't take the hint and offer her his jacket like every other guy did that night. Can you say jerk?

Jesse showed up in a suit and tie which didn't look half bad on him, although he too needs a haircut, stat. How did he escape getting one when Sean got rid of his mullet?

The Rose Ceremony - Ron and Paul go bye-bye but seriously how is Twilley still there?

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