Friday, June 06, 2008

Celebrity Feuds

I just read on that the Real Housewives of New York mixed it up a little at the A-List awards with the Real Housewives of Orange County. Seems that the RHOC didn't like the banter that was scripted for them when they came out to announce award together with the RHNYC. The banter dealt with the differences between New York City apartments and California real estate. Bethanny Frankel (on the left) was supposed to make a joke about having a tiny apartment while Jeanna Thomasina didn't like what she had to say.

"They [The O.C. Housewives] said in our material that my apartment is a two-by-four, and it’s actually a one-by-two, and so I can take it, I don’t care,” Frankel told PEOPLE. “But they’re offended that I’m saying something about them living 65 miles from the beach. Jeana said, ‘I don’t think that’s funny.’”

From there it becomes a she said/she said. My fave Jill Zarin said that Bethanny dressed down the RHOC women, while Thomasina said that Frankel got physical. My favorite line in the article was where Bethanny remarked that she was going to get a can of hairspray and a lighter and take care of things later in the dressing room! Who go girl!

Meanwhile can someone please shut both Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards up? I'm so tired of the two of them fighting. We get it, they hate each other, the marriage was a big mistake. Get over it already. And Denise also shut up about her and Richie Sambora and Heather Locklear? Notice, Heather has never said anything negative about Denise once. She's kept her mouth shut about whatever went between her and Denise. Maybe Denise should do the same.


  1. Great backstage stuff. They were funny on stage at the awards though but you could tell there was no love lost.

  2. I wish they had filmed the backstage stuff or they had told Kathy Griffin so they could make fun of her.
