The building on the left is 14 West 10th Street, also known as the most haunted brownstone in New York. Mark Twain once lived here, and he wrote about seeing and hearing ghosts. An actress lived here for years, and wrote a book about the ghosts that lived in the building and how scary it was.
New York is filled with interesting ghost stories from Nancy Spungeon being killed at the Chelsea Hotel to Edgar Allen Poe's cottage in the Bronx.
You can read about more groovy New York ghost stories at the Bowery Boys. You can download the podcast and listen for yourself.
As for me, I'm not sure what I'm going as for Halloween. My initial idea was to go as Sally Hemmings, Thomas Jefferson's mistress, and the mother of his only sons, but that didn't pan out. So now I'm torn between Anne Boleyn and Lady MacBeth.
What are your Halloween plans? And what are you going as?
I also get chills reading about haunted houses...
I went as Jane Austen. too bad the Sally Hemmings thing didn't work out, that sounds quite clever! What did you go with?
I ended up going as Lady MacBeth complete with bloody dagger.
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