Dear Santa,
It's me, Elizabeth. I know you get letters from lots of Elizabeths, so I'm the cute one who lives in Hamilton Heights. Yeah, I've been a very good girl this year. I've been a diligent, concientous president of our local RWA chapter, I've managed to pull myself out of the financial hole that I've been in, I've been working hard and not one, but two jobs. Okay, I've kind of fallen down on the patient, always there, easy listening friend side, but I'm getting better at that. I refrained from posting bad reviews about my ex-best friend's books. I've written two books this year, and I've revised one book. I've even made contact with old friends from my past this year. So, I think I deserve a little something, something to make 2006 even better.
1. A new laptop computer. A SONY Viao would be nice, but I'm willing to accept a Compaq.
2. The new Senseo coffee machine so that I can finally make a decent cup of coffee. I mean how hard can it be to put those little disks in the machine?
3. Barnes and Noble membership card. The cashiers ask me if I have one every time I shop there, and I never get around to buying one. So Santa, if you could give me one for Christmas I would be much appreciative.
4. An agent, preferably one of my top five agent choices would be totally cool and awesome, Santa. I would much appreciate.
5. And if you're going to give me an agent, about a book contract? Preferably a two book deal.
6. Enough money so that I can start designing my web-site in anticipation of 5 & 6.
7. A boyfriend. A really nice one who is not a wimp but has a good job, a nice apartment and has his emotional baggage down to a carry-on. No scrubs need apply!
8. The complete Absolutely Fabulous series on DVD.
9. Enough money to travel to the RWA conference in Atlanta, the New England conference, Venice, London, and a few other destinations next year.
10. Any one of the following for number 7:
or him:
or him:
Thanks, Santa! I know you probably can't get me everything on my list, but if you could at least get some of them, I would appreciate it, especially 5, 6, & 10.
Elizabeth K. Mahon
New York, NY
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