Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Tuesday Meme

Megan has tagged me so here goes:

Seven Things To Do Before I Die:

1. Have Children
2. Make a living writing.
3. Travel to India
4. Have sex again
5. Buy a pair of Jimmy Choos
6. Have sex again
7. Eat at Nobu

Seven Things I Cannot Do:
1. Plot
2. Drive
3. 32 Fouettes.
4. Improvise a recipe.
5. Clean my apartment
6. Pay bills on time
7. Admit when I'm wrong

Seven Things That Attract Me To My Spouse (or Significant Other)

Don't have either, would like to though. Add that to the seven things to do before I die.

Seven Things I Say (or Write) Most Often:

1. Call Me Madcap
2. Point Taken
3. Tell me about it
4. Oh crap!
5. Not in this lifetime
6. Cool Beans
7. Darn.

Seven Books (or Series) I love:

1. Ex and the Single Girl by Lanie Diane Rich
2. Charlie All Night by Jennifer Crusie
3. Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
4. In Death series by J.D. Robb
5. Jane Eyre byCharlotte Bronte
6. Emma by Jane Austen
7. Gossip Girl series by Cecily von Ziegesar

Seven Movies I Would Watch Over and Over Again:
1. Persuasion
2. Love Actually
3. All About Eve
4. Sense & Sensibility
5. Lion In Winter
6. Gone with the Wind
7. The Empire Strikes Back

Seven People I Want To Join In (Be Tagged)
1. Vanessa Virtue
2. Kelly C.
3. Gabrielle (Diary of an Adult Runaway)
4. Mary (Bandwagon)
5. Charlie Horse
6. Karen Scott
7. Marianne Mancusi


Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Thanks for the tag, Elizabeth! I just did one yesterday. =D

Megan Frampton said...

Thanks for playing! I always like seeing what other people pick--You and I agree on a lot of things (Lion in Winter. Should watch. It's a Christmas movie, right?)

Elizabeth Kerri Mahon said...

Yes, Megan, The Lion in Winter is a Christmas movie. The whole thing takes place over the Christmas holidays. What a good idea. Maybe on my long hike home, I'll pick up the DVD.