Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Wednesday is Hump Day

Wow, that sounds unbelievably dirty doesn't it? What I meant to say is that Wednesday is the middle of the week, the hump day before we speed towards Friday and the weekend, which for me will be unbelievably busy.

Last night I had to leave work because of a mild case of food poisoning. Ironically, I'd gone to this dumpling place for weeks now, and never had a problem, but for some reason last night they didn't go down quite as well. I hated leaving work, but I don't think I could have sat there during Leno worrying about how soon it would be before I have to hurl again. Sometimes, you just have to take care of yourself and not worry so much about being a nice girl. I managed to make it through my first assignment, writing questions for Hope and Faith. Hey maybe that's what made me sick! God what a wretched show.

Good news though, one of the agents that I queried wants the first 75 pages of my YA and she sounded really keen on the idea, which was great. I'm even wondering if I can work this whole Shakespearian thing into more books. The whole cross-dressing thing might be a problem though, so I might have to stick to stories like Taming, and Much Ado.

I've also decided I need to get out more, so that I can stop obsessing over Auction guy. Clearly the more men I meet, the more options I will have. So it's on to sign up for speed dating, Single Gourmet, and other social events. There's nothing worse than finding one half-way decent guy, you just want to glom onto him like a life raft. However, the tarot card reading that I had back in February told me not to settle for just any relationship, no matter how desperate and horny I am!

Thanks for reading!


P.S. MY Chris was phenomenal last night on AI.

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