Thursday, April 06, 2006

Weekend in New England

In approximately fifteen hours, I will be off to the NEC Conference in Natick. I cannot tell you how excited I am. Not only because I'll be pitching my YA to one of my top ten agents, but also because Jennifer Crusie will be there! Hurrah! I'll also be able to celebrate in person with my good friend Marley Gibson. As you know, Marley recently signed a four book contract with Puffin books, so much champagne must be drunk to celebrate.

I'm also looking forward to not having to work tomorrow. I've been working non-stop on at least 3 jobs since January and I need a break. Although I just found out that I'm off next Friday for Good Friday, so 2 four day weeks in a row is not bad.

I just spent the past week getting my partial in the best shape possible. This has necessitated going over the pages with a fine tooth comb eliminating any extraneous baggage. I have a tendency to be verbose, and this book is challenging me to keep it tight. It's also the shortest book I've ever written, so far clocking in at 278 pages, which I think is good for a YA.

We're taking off at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning, so I'll need to get up bright and early to finish packing. Then it's an influx of coffee, and food for the four hour drive upstate.

So wish me luck!

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