What is up with Ann Coulter? Everytime I see her on TV she just comes across as one bitter, angry woman. Now she's accused a group of 9/11 women who call themselves the "Jersey Girls' of being self-obssessed and enjoying their husbands deaths. Oh, and the "Witches of East Brunswick." Why would you say something like outloud even if you thought it? I can't think of a more mean insensitive thing to say of someone.
The Jersey Girls pushed hard for the commission to investigate the events of 9/11. According to Ann Coulter they're using their widowhood for political gain. Say what? If your husband or father were killed in a tragedy like 9/11, wouldn't you want to know everything you possibly could about what happened, how it could have been prevented so that it doesn't happen again?
If they'd been sitting shiva for the past 5 years would that make Ann Coulter happy? Or would she just accuse them of not moving on, of again being 'self-obssessed.'
Oh and she also accused them of acting like 9/11 only happened to them. Maybe Ms. Coulter has never lost anyone, but when your grieving of course you feel as if your the only one in the world who's lost someone.
It's no secret that I dislike Ann Coulter, not just for her hard core, to the right of Adolph Hitler, conservative politics, but every time I see her on television, she looks like she's been sucking on a lemon. She reminds me of those hard core, no fun, studiers in college, who then would go out and drink 12 vodka tonics in a row and pass out. The type of woman who would confront a guy on the quad if he said he would call her and didn't. I mean she makes Pat Buchanan look like a reasonable guy.
Someone should tell her that just because you have long blond hair and wear short skirts, that does not detract from your message of bitterness and hate. I truly feel that people like her, Bill O'Reilly and Tucker Carlson do more to promote the division in this country than to heal it. In her world, Republicans are always right and Democratics are bunch of atheistic, lazy, slobs who wouldn't know the first thing about family values.
I could be wrong, she could be a fun-loving, compassionate human being, but her comments about the Jersey Girls suggests just the opposite.
So, do you think Ann Coulter went too far with her comments?
Thanks for reading,
Ann Coulter is a Bad (and bad like evil, not bad like Shaft) Man.
Here's my take on Evil Ann and her brethren (b/c she's so NOT feminine): She knows what pushes people's buttons, and usually what pushes people's buttons translates into lots of cash if you push them via a book or as a pundit on talk shows. The more "out there" she is, the more attention she draws, and the more money she makes. Case in point: She just bought a million-dollar-plus condo in Florida. So while I do believe she's mean spirited and a total right-wing fundamentalist, I also think she exaggerates her views all in the name of the Almighty Dollar.
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