Saturday, August 12, 2006

Great News!

I just received some good news about a member of our chapter, RWA NYC. Patt Mihailof finally sold!

Her work will appear in Caramel Flava 2, an erotica book published by Zane and
Strebor Books/Simon & Schuster. Patt is long overdue to be published
in book form. The book is in the production stages and is being scheduled for a 2007
publication date. We are so going to have her sign copies of her book when it comes out.

Patt has been one of the strongest cheerleaders of all the writers in RWA NYC. She's always ready to give advice or encouragement to a newbie or even a seasoned writer. Not only that, but she's opened up her home to anyone who wants to experience 'Patt's BootCamp.' A weekend where she feeds you while you stay chained to the computer writing.

She's strongly opinionated about everything which we love. She also reads widely, not just romance, but pretty much everything. Not a Wine & Cheese, and now The Golden Apples has gone by without Patt's fabulous door prizes.

Patt's been published for the last few years in the confessions market where she honed her skills writing on deadline and in a short format. But her heart has always belonged to the erotic romances. Now with the explosion in erotic romance, we look forward to this not being Patt's only sale!

Thanks for reading.



Marley Gibson said...

Is this the Patt I know? Whooohoooo!!! Please tell her HUGE CONGRATS from me and give her a big, big hug!!!!!

= )

MJFredrick said...

Great news for Patt! You know I love those stories!

Elizabeth Kerri Mahon said...

Yes, Marley, it is the Patt that you know. We are all so thrilled for her, she really deserves it.