Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Stop the World, I want to get off

I've just moved my blog to the latest version of blogger. That's one thing that's been going right lately.

Do you ever have those days when you just want to crawl into a hole and pull it in after you? Or just sleep 24 hours without waking up? Just pull the covers over your head until things settle down? Well, that's the way I've been feeling lately. I've been so stressed with work, more work, writing, and friends who seem to just keep taking until I have nothing left to give anymore.

Ever since I've been back from London, I've been like the energizer bunny. I went right back to work the day after I came back to both of my jobs. Then my chapter had our 20th anniversary event. Then my birthday parties (I've had about 3 now). I've also been trying to put into play the revisions I have to do for my first YA, at the same time trying to continue with my current YA for the class that I'm taking.

Then we had our November chapter meeting, and we've just finished making the arrangements for our first Christmas lunch. Normally, we've had our Christmas party at one of our member's gorgeous apartment overlooking Washington Square Park. But unfortunately BD moved to Washington DC (her husband is the head of the business school at one of the universities), and we had to make other arrangements.

I found a great restaurant with a fabulous private room, but it's not cheap. And I'm waiting for the fall out when the members find out just how much it's going to cost them. Now I have to write my President's letter for December. P.S. I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to come up with 24 more President's letters over the next two years.

Then I have family issues to deal with that are consuming up a shit load of my time. Plus, trying to have a social life, and ooh I don't know, find a guy that I like, who doesn't have commitment issues. Just a thought.

Now I'm fighting off a cold and I feel like crap. I did finally take an exercise class on Sunday, which did a great deal to relieve some of my stress, but not enough. Getting up in the morning to go to work is like wading through quicksand for me. I need more sleep! Or sex, one of the two.

Thanks for reading,


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