Friday, February 10, 2006

Random Thoughts on a Friday afternoon

What I'm thinking about now:

I can't believe I missed the repeat of Sunday's Grey's Anatomy! I mean could they have announced or something? I had no idea until I was at work last night and I happened to see it on one of the TV sets. Unfortunately, I couldn't watch it because I was stuck watching Beauty and the Geek 2, which actually isn't that bad, and I was taping Dancing with the Stars at home, which I still haven't seen because I didn't get home until 1:00 a.m. and barely had enough time to brush my teeth, and wash my face before I fell head first into bed.

I'm so peeved at Project Runway right now. Uncle Nick, my favorite from the very first episode was cut Wednesday night. However, I'm not surprised, his last few designs were uninspired and in this episode, he seemed to lose his mind. I mean who designs a men's suit without pockets or a belt loop? In pale lavendar cashmere, and this was a men's suit. Yes, Santino's jumpsuit didn't fit and it was falling apart, but Nick's looked worse. And we all know they're only keeping Santino around for entertainment value. He's this season's Wendy Pepper but with more talent.

I'm so tired from lack of sleep and lack of caffeine, that it's like I'm typing in a coma right now, but I have to finish typing the fourteen pages that I rewrote into the computer before the end of the day. I've done 6 pages so far, and I have 8 more to go.

This section totally sets up the relationships of everyone for the rest of the book. All the main characters are introduced. My job is to manage all this without drowning the audience in backstory, which is my bete noire when it comes to writing. Also show don't tell is something I'm trying to be very aware of.

So far the revisions are going okay, and I've designed a plan to keep my interest from flagging which can happen during the second and third drafts of a book.

Anyway, back to the grindstone. That thud you hear might just be my head hitting the keyboard if I can't say awake!

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