Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thursday To-Do-List

That's Punxatawny Phil, the groundhog who predicts whether or not we're going to have six more weeks of winter. According to the news ole Phil popped out of his den this morning to announce after seeing his shadow, that yes indeed we can expect six more weeks. Since I live in NYC where it snows rarely and we've been enjoying pretty good weather so far, I'm not sure what to think. Are we suddenly going to have blizzards in the next six weeks? The temperature going to drop to oh say 19 degrees?

Truthfully, I went to college upstate in Syracuse, so six more weeks of winter doesn't phase me. It's winter about 8 months of the year up there.

It just reminds me of how much I have to do in the coming six weeks.

Here's my to-do-list for the next few weeks in no particular order:

1. Go to the DMV Express to get NY State I.D.

2. Sign up for the New England Conference

3. Book hotel for New England Conference

4. Buy gift bag for Saturday's speaker

5. Look up information about logoed panties

6. Start thinking about March President's Letter for Chapter newsletter

7. Try to decide whether or not I'm going on vacation at the end of the month

8. Try to catch up on my sleep

9. Buy birthday cards for friends

10. Mail back books that I borrowed from ex-friend

11. Finish re-reading manuscript to make revisions

12. Finish watching Midsummer Night's Dream movie

13. Take advantage of tax-free week

14. Write out scenes that need to be written and purpose of scenes

15. Re-work synopsis

16. Start getting queries ready for end of month blitz (have to get this done before Mercury heads into retrograde in March)

17. Do taxes, now that I've gotten all W-4's in mail

18. Go have Tarot card reading at Enchantments to find out if there's hope with ex-friend

19. Fill out schedule for next six weeks chunk for second job.

20. See Oscar nominated films before Academy Awards in March

21. Have a massage

22. Do random act of kindness

23. Try to decide if I want to give a shot

24. Send out resumes for permanent job, preferably in creative field, that doesn't involve too much actual work.

25. Win Mega Millions

Wow, that's 25 things! I'd better get started if I'm going to accomplish them all.

Thanks for reading,


1 comment:

MJFredrick said...

Good night, that's a big list! Good luck!