Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Sad News

I had planned on blogging today about NaNoWriMo and the third week hump, but I just received the tragic news that my brother died, and I'm just not in the mood to be light and funny today.

I'm the youngest of four children, seperated from my other siblings by over a decade. My oldest brother, who died two years ago from secondary bone cancer, was 26 years older than me. My other brother was the closest in age to me by 17 years. I never really knew him. He disappeared from my life when I was around 3 or 4, and I had no memory of him until he reappeared him my life when I was 11, when my mother informed about his 'unfortunate incarceration.'

Unfortunately, my brother was a troubled figure and we were never able to have a relationship. Circumstances after my mother's death killed that forever.

So while I'm sad that his life is over, I can't mourn. I wish he had been a different person, or I could have been more Christian and turned that other cheek.

It's just my sister and I now, the only ones who are left.

Anyway, I'm signing off now.

Hopefully we'll be back to our regularly scheduled blog in a few days.


Megan Frampton said...

Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry. That must be very hard. I hope you and your sister have been able to talk--sharing your grief makes it a bit less painful I would guess, although not easier.

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

So sorry for your loss...even though you weren't close he was still your brother. Take care these next few days.

MJFredrick said...

Elizabeth, I'm so so sorry. {{{HUGS}}}

Marley Gibson said...

Oh sweetie...I just saw this. Hugs and much understanding.