Monday, November 07, 2005

This and That

Can I just say the weather is postively freaky here in New York? It's supposed to be November, the leaves are turning, but the weather is so warm I saw people wearing sandals and flip-flops this weekend, not to mention one intrepid soul who wore shorts.

I remember the days when November meant chilly days, where all you wanted to do was go home, get under the covers with a warm drink and watch TV or read a book. Finding a bar with a fireplace to sit in front of. Playing in the leaves in the park. Drinking hot apple cider or a hot toddy with a cinnamon stick.

If I wanted warm weather all year round, I'd move to the West Coast or Florida even with the hurricanes. No, I live in the Northeast for the seasons, four of them, although because of sucky global warming, it looks like we only have two. Winter and Summer.

Read in the paper today, that more people are moving from California and the East Coast to the Midwest for a better quality of life. More power to them. I've often thought of moving somewhere I can actually think of saving some money. The only problem is that the cities that interest, London, San Francisco, Santa Barbara, are incredibly expensive. I need to sell alot of books!

I watched the first part of the debate last night on The West Wing. Kudos to TPTB for making it look so much like a real debate. If I hadn't known that it was two actors on stage, I would have believed that it was two politicians. I have to say though, from the little I watched, it looked like Alan Alda was kicking some serious Jimmy Smits butt. Even though he's playing a Republican, I'd vote for him, he was that good. I almost fell over when Jimmy Smits admitted that he didn't think that his healthcare plan would work! Can you imagine a real politician admitting that?

I gave away a great basket on Saturday to celebrate Thanksgiving and my birthday. Megan Frampton was the lucky winner. I actually liked the idea of giving away a basket to our members. I hope to do more of that in the New Year. Maybe work it around a seasonal theme. Lots of good ideas were bouncing around the meeting which I hope will come to fruition. It also means another extra board meeting where we can discuss them.

NaNoWriMo is chugging along. I'm ahead of where I had hoped to be by this time. The plot is coming along, and I'm already making notes of what needs to be done during the revision process. Also my brain is teeming to get started on a trilogy that I want to work, which will be my project for 2006.

Love it when my brain gets going!


1 comment:

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

It's cold here on the West coast! I wouldn't mind moving out of California either to raise my kids. Everything is just getting crazier.

Good luck with NaNo. I didn't have to guts to try this year. =D