Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Another Tuesday Morning

Good morning everyone! I've had my coffee and am in a reasonable mood today, although I have an appointment with my lawyer this afternoon, which involves some check writing, which is never a good thing. On the bright side, I have a baby shower to go to this weekend, which should be fun. A friend of mine in my RWA chapter is expecting her first baby next month, and her shower is on Sunday. I plan on running out and buying goodies for the Mommy to be. I figure all her other friends will be giving her mondo gifts for the baby, but no many people think to give the new Mommy anything, so I'm hoping to find all sorts of goodies for her to let her know that she's more than just a womb.

Our next chapter meeting is on Saturday, and I'm excited that we have Jill Winters author of Just Peachy giving a workshop on query letters. After writing a synopsis, the only thing worse is writing a query. Writing the damn book is easier.

As I mentioned, I'm actually feeling perky enough to do some work on my manuscript Nearly Famous. I've cut another 30 pages from the manuscript. It's still coming in a little long, but not as long as it once was. I'm putting a scene back in, and writing a new one, and then it's just tidying up some of the scenes that make no sense, and have no context and then it's off to the agent.

My training for my new job starts tomorrow. I actually get paid for the training, even if I don't make it past the training period which is nice. I just received an email with a 26 page manual, and two other inserts that I need to read, plus I have to take a sexual harassment test on on-line tomorrow. Since my job consists of watching TV for 4 or 5 hours, I don't know when I would have time to sexually harass someone or when someone would have time to harass me but it's required by law.

I'm picking up a copy of First Draft in 30 days, a book that was recommended in the new RWR to read before I finish the first Draft of my next project. I'd rather pick up something fun to read like the new Julia Quinn, but my pleasure reading has to take a back seat right now to the writing thing.

Watched the 3rd episode last night of Prison Break. It's a great show if you don't think too hard about the premise. I've also become addicted to this Australian show called McLeoud's daughter's on the WE channel. I think it's because I find Australian men extremely alpha and sexy which is very retro of me. Hmm! this bears analysis!


Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Good luck with the training! And yep, we've watching Prison Break too. Good show. =)

Gabrielle said...

Extremely alpha....hmmmm. Not sure. In many ways I think they're more gamma. But I'm saying something I never thought I would: compared to the French (no, wait, let's be fair--the Parisians), they really ARE a lot sexier. Maybe because they don't take any crap and tell you just where youstand, instead of the games they carry on with here!

Oh, and my vote's for.... Miami! Sounds like you could do with some fun in the sun :-)