Thursday, October 13, 2005

Comfort and Joy

It's pouring down piss here in New York, if I may be so blunt. The kind of rain that just seeps into your skin right down to your bones. It's the perfect day to stay at home, in your jammies, stuffing your face and watching crap TV. Instead I'm here at work, doing expenses and setting up meetings.

A day like today makes me think about the things that give you comfort, sort of like slipping on a pair of warm flannel pajamas. Particularly on a day like today which is so miserable. So here are a few of my favorite things:

Comfort foods - I love food, and I have my particular favorites whenever I'm feeling down or depressed because of the weather or another rejection. One of my favorites is tomato soup, a grilled cheese sandwich, and well done french fries. Of course, now that I'm lactose intolerant, it's soy cheese on multi-grain or whole wheat but the principle is the same. Another favorite is lobster bisque with just a hint of sherry. Just thinking about it is making me hungry. I also love plain chocolate Hob-nobs with a good cup of Earl Grey tea. Or the banana pudding and nilla wafers from Magnolia Bakery. Or salmon eggs benedict.

Comfort movies - Love Actually is one of my favorite movies. I just love the entertwining stories, particularly Colin Firth and the young Portuguese woman he meets in France. The whole Alan Rickman/Emma Thompson storyline breaks my heart, although I have no patience with Laura Linney's story in the movie.

Persuasion - I could watch this movie over and over again. A classic second chance at love story. Just watch Amanda Root as she changes from rather drab to glowing by the end of the movie. This was also the movie where I developed a huge crush on Ciaran Hinds.

A Room With A View - Merchant/Ivory, Italy what more do you need? But whatever happened to Julian Sands? He seemed to disappear into the void of straight to video movies apart from the season premiere of Law & Order SVU.

Ella Enchanted - I really like this movie, even though it really bears very little resemblance to the book.

The Princess Bride - I don't think I have to explain this one.

Comfort books - basically anything by Mary Balogh, Julia Quinn or Michelle Cunnah. I'd also throw Lavryle Spencer into the mix. Her book Years still makes me tear up. Oh, and JK Rowling, how can I forget Harry Potter. And I love the Chronicles of Narnia.

Of course, Buffy, Charmed (pre Rose McGowan), Felicity, and Law & Order, SVU are my comfort TV shows.

So I'm curious. What are the things that are a comfort to you when you're either down or on a rainy day?


Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Cuddling up in bed with a good book, not having to do housework, not having to get up to do anything for anyone. Just enjoying a good story. Ah bliss...=D

Dee said...

I would like to say my family comforts me but we all know that is not true all the time. They can be stinkers and so can I. I guess my faith comforts me. All too often food does. A good book more than anything comforts me. I like to sip on some tea or international coffee and read a good book. My dogs are a comfort to me too. I love them.