Friday, September 08, 2006


Thank god, it's Friday. I'm beyond tired, and I've been taking my vitamins, go figure. I think my body has been running on fumes for the past 9 months, that it's finally catching up with me. I'm not sure how much longer I can continue this work two jobs, be president of RWA NYC, write, and try to have a life, without ending up in the loony bin. Well, at least there, I'd get some rest, in between therapy and taking my anti-depressants.

A vacation is seriously called for, and I mean a real one. National was not a vacation, although I had a lot of fun. My big problem is I hate to feel like I'm missing something.

I started a writing class last week with Media Bistro that I'm excited about. It's on-line, 12 weeks, writing the YA novel. I thought that I was going to continue in this vein, I might as well take a class. I was having such a hard time with the book I had been writing. I managed to get up to chapter 6 before I ran out of steam.

I do plan on going back to that book at some point, but right now I'm working on the second book in a series that I pictured to super duper agent back in August. A very good friend of mine suggested that I work on that book instead, and I'm glad that I took her advice. Not that the writing has been easy. It's been awhile since I've written in third person, but it's necessary because I need to have the hero's POV (although limited), and a certain amount of POV from a few other characters as well.

I seriously don't know how Cecily von Ziegesar (or whoever is writing the Gossip Girl/It Girl series now) writes from the POV of so many characters. I read Melissa de la Cruz's book Blue Blood and there were at least three or four characters POV in that.

I don't want to make this book too hard on myself, but since the third book in the series is going to have even more POV from the guy, I need to start slowly with this book and then work my way into it.

Oh and just for fun, I've include a cute picture of the RWA NYC cuties from National. From left to right, Sapna, me, Kwana and Megan.

Have a good weekend, and thanks for reading!


1 comment:

Megan Frampton said...

We all look so cute!

Thanks for posting, and yes, TGIF--and I don't even work a regular job. It's been a long week.