Wednesday, August 02, 2006

August Horoscopes

Once again, I have to thank Julie Hill at Publisher's Marketplace for the August horoscopes.

Libra: Someone close to you has made a big change, not really to your liking. It is most likely not a work person, but the change is affecting your work in a subliminal way. Therapists make money helping people withsuch trials. Employ one.

Hmm! I have no idea about this one. I'll have to think about it as the month goes on.

Scorpio: Thinking of expanding your genres? Fine by me, but are you really qualified to write in the area you are toying with? Sounds like you need to research more and write less. Scorps are superb researchers. They are also money hungry, and would avoid research since there is no immediate check involved.

I have thought about writing historical romances, but that's a long way off. Right now, I have enough going on with my paranormal romantic comedies, and young adult books. I also love, love to research. The last sentence is completely wrong, because I would probably spend more time researching, and not enough time writing!

Thanks for reading!


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