Monday, August 21, 2006


Your Horoscope for August 21, 2006 SCORPIO

There are many challenges taking place in your life at the moment and not all of them are welcome, but if you think positive at all times there is no reason why you should not turn them into opportunities. You are often at your best when your back is to the wall, so get motivated and make things happen.

Challenges? I've already recieved two rejections on Crazy Little Thing Called Love in the last week, that's a challenge. And the people that I work for have not thanked me for packing up their stuff on their desk, since we had new phones put in. So it's a challenge for me not to rip their heads off. I have no idea what I'm doing with my current manuscript, another challenge.

All in all, pretty accurate. What does your horoscope for today say? Hopefully it's better than mine!

Thanks for reading.



Nienke Hinton said...

I'm Virgo:
Love stars are stormy. Curb your impulses. Pleasant and easygoing day for sportspersons. Good offer for writers, artists and actors is on the cards. Costly luxuries beckon. You charm in yellow.

I sit at my desk with anticipation. Hey, your site is yellow. Coincidence?

Have a great week.

MJFredrick said...

Hugs on the R, Elizabeth!