Thursday, August 10, 2006

Technical Difficulties

Blogger is being very difficult today. I wrote a whole long post about the last two days of the conference, how much fun the RITA's were, the lousy lunches, scarfing of books, and how tiny the Grand Lounge at the Marriott Marquis was (truthfully, it was so small that if you swung a cat you would have hit everyone in the place). I hit publish post, and Blogger ate it. I don't have the energy to rewrite it, so I'm posting this picture from Diana Peterfreund's book party, sent to me by the lovely Deidre Knight.

Thanks for reading,



Megan Frampton said...

How come you could post a pic of Kwana, and I couldn't?


And i can't see your August 9 pix, either. Me? Blogger? What?

Marley Gibson said...

How cute are we??? = )